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Chapter History

Organized: May 12, 1892  

Charter Granted: January 26, 1893

Chapter History:
The Dolley Madison Chapter, NSDAR, is proud to be named for the charming and talented lady who was the hostess of the President’s Mansion during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. Miss Eugenia Washington, one of the founding members of the National Society, and Mrs. O. Howard Clark, both members of the Mary Washington Chapter, NSDAR, along with 16 “congenial ladies” met on May 12, 1892, and organized the Dolly Madison Chapter, NSDAR. The chapter name was changed from Dolly Madison to Dolley Madison in the 1960s, through the regent’s research and efforts to conform to the way Dolley herself spelled her name. Each year in May, the chapter has a special event celebrating Dolley Madison’s birthday, May 20, and the chapter’s anniversary.
Some highlights of the chapter’s history include Mrs. John M. Beavers’ serving as state regent, 1924-1926, and Mrs. May Day Taylor’s serving as state regent, 1986-1988, and as Vice President General, 1989-1992. Holding the 75th anniversary celebrations at the Octagon House, Washington, D.C., and 94th at Montpelier, Orange County, Virginia, have allowed members and guests to walk where Dolley walked, heightening our awareness of this gracious lady. In 1986, the chapter held an installation of officers at Dolley’s home in Montpelier, attended by our state regent and members of her executive board. This event was repeated in May 1990, the NSDAR Centennial Year.
On May 20, 1992, the Dolley Madison Chapter, NSDAR, celebrated its centennial anniversary by hosting a tea at the Thomas Law House "attended" by James and Dolley Madison and their good friends, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Bland Lee of the Sully Plantation.
On May 21, 2005, the Dolley Madison Chapter, NSDAR, honored the DCDAR state officers and the NSDAR National officers at a revolutionary tea. Colonial foods were served and a gingerbread hornbook was given as a memento, but no tea. The program featured a selection of colonial music including “Revolutionary Tea” and tunes from the notebook of Captain George Bush, an American Revolutionary War officer.

Dolley Madison Chapter, NSDAR

Established 1892. Named for the charming and talented lady who was the hostess of the President’s Mansion during the Jefferson and Madison administrations. We are a growing, multigenerational group of women with varying interests and skillsets who share a passion for serving our community, learning about our history, and enjoying fellowship with each other! 

The content contained herein does not necessarily represent the position of the NSDAR.

Hyperlinks to other sites are not the responsibility of the NSDAR, the state organizations, or individual DAR chapters.


Unless noted otherwise, photos courtesy of Library of Congress, Prints & Photographs Division, the chapter archives, or Dolley Madison Chapter, NSDAR, Facebook page.


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